05 15 2004 Criminal File

"Robert Alonso was formed in the ranks of the ALPHA 66. Later he enrolled in the bloodthirsty organization OMEGA 7, responsible for hundreds of sabotages inside Cuba and abroad. Alonso served as head of logistics, a position he held until the disintegration of this terrorist movement when it was absorbed by the CORU in April 76.”
"On December 8, 1976, he was judged in absentia by the Revolutionary Tribunal of Las Villas, found guilty of organizing the financing of the blowing up of the Cubana de Aviación plane (which occurred off the coast of Barbados in September of that same year) and sentenced to death by firing squad; a sentence that is pending execution under No. 1335-A/76."
"He is considered the commander of the so-called Luanda Massacre (February 77), where a hundred Cuban soldiers were executed along with General Eulalio López Contreras, commander of the First Artillery Regiment of the Cuban army in operations during the internationalist missions of Angola."
"He was recruited by the CIA in May of '72 and trained to perpetuate assassination against our Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, in August of that same year, when he was about to begin his speech at the University of Lenin (East Berlin). He was captured by the federal authorities in West Berlin and released three months later without trial, under the order of Colonel James McLoggan (US Army), coordinator of the Allied forces of that German city.”
"He was responsible for the seizure of the Cuban embassy in Grenada, after the U.S. invasion of 1983 where 14 compatriots died."
"In 1987 he made at least three incursions into Cuban territory with the purpose of introducing war material in our island, cause for which the counterrevolutionaries Armando Sanz, Emilio Martínez and Eleazar Rodríguez Ganza were captured, all found guilty after confession, sentenced to death and shot on November 28, 1987."
"He organized the counterrevolutionary movement M.R.E. in Venezuela and operated, with the rank of General Commissar during the governments of Rafael Caldera and Luís Herrera Campíns. During the government of Campíns he dedicated himself to the persecution of Cubans who tried to reunify with their relatives in Venezuela, after the agreement of the <Family Reunification of the Cuban Community Abroad>, signed by then-president Carlos Andrés Pérez and Fidel Castro.”
"He founded in Miami the F-4 Commandos, currently under his military leadership in the plots of exiled Cuban gangster Rolando Tirado, in the vicinity of the Florida Everglades."
"In March of this year he led his terrorist strategy in Venezuela called La Guarimba, which he has been trying to disseminate clandestinely in Cuba, without any success, since the end of 2003."
"He is currently hiding in the city of Miami under the protection of the Bush administration."
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