Our Grandchildren - 2005 to 2012
How sad are our memories:
when they tear out our souls...!
Nacimiento de Santi - Nov 2005
Santi's birth - Nov 2005
001 Nov - Santi's first pictures
Conociendo a Santi - Dic 2006
Santi - Dic 2006
002 Dic - Conversando con Maria Carolina
003 Dic - Would you be home for Xmas?
008 Feb - Santi dressed as Buzz
Jul - Slide Show
011 Jul - María Carolina & Santi arriving in Miami
012 Jul - Santi's arrival in Miami
014 Jul - Eating Cuban pizza with Santi
015 Jul - Santi playing computer with his mother
016 Jul - Abita & Santi in Luly's home
Nacimiento de Miranda - Oct 2010
000 Oct - Slide Show
017 Oct - Santi's interview
018 Oct - Talking with Miranda
019 Oct - Abita sings to Miranda
020 Oct - Miranda & Santi with their uncles
021 Oct - Santi's ABC
022 Oct - Santi pledging allegiance to the US flag
023 Oct - Abita sings "In a Forest" to Miranda
000 Nov- Slide Show
024 Nov - Santi's 1st day of school
025 Nov - Santi practicing English with Abita
026 Nov - Santi's 5th birthday
000 Dic - Slide Show
027 Dic - Mamama meets Miranda
028 Dic - Miranda & Titi
029 Dic - Miranda's 1st Xmas
000 Ene - Slide Show
030 Ene - Driving Miranda crazy
031 Ene - Miranda's first smiles
032 Ene - Santi explaining his electronic game
033 Ene - Celebrating Rodriguez-Alonso's asylum
035 Ene - Miranda addicted to TV
036 Ene - Miranda with Abita
037 Ene - Miranda doing "riki-riki"
038 Ene - Miranda smiling
000 Feb - Slide Show
039 Feb - Miranda arrives in Weston - Part I
040 Feb - Miranda arrives in Weston - Part II
000 Mar - Slide Show
041 Mar - Miranda porridge with Abita
042 Mar - Miranda in Maggie's Baby Shower
043 Mar - Miranda's early morning exercises
000 Abr - Slide Show
044 Abr - Miranda with Abita
045 Abr - Miranda screaming
046 Abr - Miranda trumpeting
047 Abr - Miranda in front of a mirror - Part I
048 Abr - Miranda in front of a mirror - Part II
049 Abr - Miranda drinking her juice
050 Abr - Miranda eating her porridge with Abita
051 Abr - Miranda crawling
052 Abr - Miranda with Abita
053 Abr - Santi in his Weston's room
054 Abr - Santi announcing that he is leaving home
000 May - Slide Show
055 May - "Grandping" for the 1st time
056 May - Mother's Day - Part I
057 May - Mother's Day - Part II
058 May - Titi's "Arepazo"
059 May - Abito consulting
060 May - Miranda's laughter
061 May - Having a snack at Roma Bakery
062 May - Miranda eating with Titi
063 May - Miranda in the grass
064 May - Abito biting Santi
065 May - Santi the rock star
066 May - Santi at McDonald
067 May - Santi speaking English
000 Jun - Slide Show
068 Jun - Santi's joke - Spanish versión
069 Jun - Santi's joke - English version
070 Jun - Santi's kindergarten graduation
071 Jun - Visiting Country Lion Safari
072 Jun - Visiting the Miami Seaquarium
073 Jun - Santi singing "God Bless America"
074 Jun - Father's Day
075 Jun - Miranda dancing
076 Jun - Santi fighting in Father's Day
077 Jun - Miranda & Abita
078 Jun - Miranda & Mamama
079 Jun - Miranda & Titi
080 Jun - Miranda
081 Jun - Abito's handmade card
000 Jul - Slide Show
082 Jul - God Bless America - Santi on July 4th
084 Jul - Santi at the Miami zoo
000 Ago - Slide Show
085 Ago - En casa de los Rodríguez-Alonso
086 Ago - Miranda the disheveled
087 Ago - Santi explains how he cut "off" his nose
088 Ago - Santi's 1st day of school
089 Ago - Santi & Miranda learning bad words
090 Ago - They are all foul-mouthed
091 Ago - Titi feeding Miranda
092 Ago - Titi & Miranda in Weston
093 Ago - Santi dancing & Miranda monkeying around
000 Sep - Slide Show
094 Sep - Babysitting our grand children
095 Sep - Miranda walking with Abita
096 Sep - Miranda intending to make her 1rst steps
097 Sep - Miranda monkeying around
098 Sep - Miranda in bed with Abita
099 Sep - Visiting Abita's Office
100 Sep - Santi & MC singing in English
101 Sep - Santi biting Miranda
000 Oct - Slide Show
102 Oct - Miranda & Santi shopping with Mamama
103 Oct - Miranda dancing conga
104 Oct - Miranda in Santi's room
105 Oct - Miranda 1st birthday
106 Oct - Santi & Miranda dancing
107 Oct - Miranda & Santi at Titi's home
000 Dic - Slide Show
111 Dic - Santi singing in English with his mama
112 Dic - At Grove Marina
113 Dic - Mamama & Marisol's "hallacas"
114 Dic - Miranda dancing in her crib
115 Dic - Miranda singing with Abita
116 Dic - Miranda speaking by cell phone
117 Dic - Abita singing to Miranda
118 Dic - Miranda & Santi in Xmas Eve
119 Dic - Abita's 57th Birthday
120 Dic - Xmas Eve in Weston
121 Dic - Xmas presents in Weston
122 Dic - Visiting Key Biscayne
123 Dic - Yogi's diapers Yogi
124 Dic - Weston's neighbors
125 Dic - Miranda & Santi playing computer
126 Dic - Miranda & her little dog
127 Dic - Miranda "driving" her father's car
128 Dic - Santi singing "Rudolph"
129 Dic - Santi riding bicycle
130 Dic - New Year Eve in Weston
000 Ene - Slide Show
132 Ene - Miranda & Abita
133 Ene - Eating at Chipotle
134 Ene - The Rodriguez-Alonso's new home
135 Ene - Miranda in the laundry basket
000 Feb - Slide Show
Oscar winner: "Abito-Miranda Conversation" - Feb 2012
139 Feb - Santi's new room
140 Feb - Stanley's Project
141 Feb - In the Rodríguez-Alonso's garden
142 Feb - At the park with Abito & Abita
143 Feb - Honoring Martin Luther King
144 Feb - The Sad Life of Stanley
146 Feb - Abita's little horse
148 Feb - Miranda embarrassed
151 Feb - Miranda & her TV
152 Feb - Santi reading "Pumpkin Pumpkin"
153 Feb - Santi reading "Who Are You"
154 Feb - Santi reading and singing in English
000 Mar - Slide Show
157 Mar - Santi singing "Little Johnny"
158 Mar - Santi reading "Hop on Pop"
159 Mar - Having lunch with Abito
160 Mar - Having dinner with Abito
161 Mar - Miranda & Santi fighting over Legos
162 Mar - Abito, "The Crazy Barber"
000 Abr - Slide Show
163 Abr - Santi's sowing
164 Abr - Miranda's 1st visit to the dentist
165 Abr - Miranda's 1st visit to the beauty parlor
167 Abr - Abito eating Miranda's nose
168 Abr - Miranda dancing in Weston
169 Abr - Miranda dancing in Panna Express
170 Abr - Miranda with Abito's shoes
171 Abr - Miranda ready for Tomás birthday
172 Abr - Miranda's bracelets
173 Abr - A squirrel visits the Rodríguez-Alonso
174 Abr - Miranda returns to First Steps
175 Abr - Santi returns to the dentist
000 May - Slide Show
179 May- Miranda's end-of-year show