Madame Melva
En la noche del 11 de julio de 2024, Siomi escuchó música que salía del fabuloso restaurante “Sinatra’s” del Hotel Cassadaga. A pesar de los cansado que estábamos Siomi
insistió en pasar por lo que parecía un piano bar.
On the night of July 11, 2024, Siomi heard music coming from the fabulous restaurant “Sinatra’s” at the Cassadaga Hotel. As tired as we were, Siomi insisted on checking what looked like a piano bar.
Al llegar al restaurante, que para nuestra
sorpresa estaba relativamente lleno, vimos a dos pianistas tocando y cantando a
dúo canciones de los 40's, 50's, 60’s y 70's: ¡y ahí nos instalamos!
Upon arriving at the restaurant, which to our surprise was relatively full, we saw two pianists playing and singing duets of songs from the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's: and there we settled!
Muy pronto una ancianita como de 100 años se hizo notar. Estaba sola. No consumía ni tragos ni comida, contrario a las normas del restaurante. Se notaba tremendamente animada y parecía saberse las letras de todas las canciones. No pasó mucho tiempo antes de verla bailar sola. Mostraba disfrutar enormemente de la música y del ambiente. Aparentaba ser tremendamente coqueta. Lucía una media cola, vestía “a la moda” y tenía arregladas las uñas de sus manos y pies.
Very soon a little old lady of about 100 years old made herself noticed. She was alone. She did not consume drinks or food, contrary to the restaurant's rules. She seemed tremendously animated and seemed to know the words to all of the songs played. It wasn't long before I saw her dancing alone. She seemed to greatly enjoy the music and the atmosphere. She appeared to be extremely flirtatious. She sported a half-tail, dressed “fashionably” and had her fingernails and toenails groomed.
En eso Siomi se animó a acompañarla y bailaron
un par de canciones. Su compañera no
mostraba cansancio. Cuando le pregunté
cuántos años tenía me respondió: “¡los suficientes!”
At that Siomi was encouraged to accompany her and they danced a couple of songs. Siomi's companion did not show fatigue. When I asked her how old she was she replied: “Old enough!”
No habló mucho.
A las preguntas que le formuló Siomi, respondía vagamente. Ni siquiera supimos su nombre: ¡entonces vino
la sorpresa!
She didn't talk much. To the questions Siomi asked her, she responded vaguely. We didn't even know her name: then came the surprise!
Se terminó la velada y cuando nos fuimos a
despedir de la ancianita: ¡había desaparecido!
The evening was over and when we went to say goodbye to the old lady: she had disappeared!
Al día siguiente comencé a preguntar en el
hotel si la conocían. Noté que dos de
las empleadas se mostraron inquietas cuando les enseñé el video que le había
grabado. Nadie alegaba conocerla. No fue hasta la noche del 12 cuando por fin nos
enteramos de su historia.
The next day I started asking in the hotel if they knew her. I noticed that two of the employees seemed uneasy when I showed them the video that I had recorded of Siomi dancing with the lady. Nobody claimed to know her. It wasn't until the night of the 12th when we finally learned her story.
Su nombre era Melva y la llamaban “Madame Melva”. De vez en cuando aparecía por el hotel, para
el horror de quienes conocían su impresionante historia.
Her name was Melva and they called her “Madame Melva”. From time to time she would appear at the hotel, to the horror of those who knew her impressive story.
Había nacido en Pensilvania y llegó a Cassadaga
de la mano de su hijo, quien trabajó como cocinero del hotel hasta que ambos fallecieron
en un accidente automovilístico: ¡en 1936!
She was born in Pennsylvania and came to Cassadaga with her son, who worked as a cook in the hotel until they both died in a car accident: in 1936!
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